The Girl in the Mirror


                She’s a goddess..  Look..  She’s looking my way.  I smile, she smiles..  I think she likes me.  Oh God..  She’s coming over here!  “Hi..” 


 “Uh…”  <yawn>  Greg slowly rolls over in bed and slaps the alarm for snooze.  He manages to get in another couple minutes of shuteye before the inevitable happens.

 The door opens slowly and the words he doesn’t want to here come forth.  “Greg, honey.  You can sleep a little longer, you don’t have to go to school today.  We are taking a trip to the planetarium today.  I’ll wake you when its time.” [The door shuts.]

 “Uh?”  Greg lays in bed thinking.  “Wait a minute.  No school?  I can’t sleep my life away today.  I’ve got to take advantage of this day off.”  With that he rolls over and turns off the alarm, hops out of bed and heads for the shower.  “Ugh, that dream again.  I’m such a loser.  I always dream of some awesome looking blonde babe in a sailor suit and wake up before we even get to exchange words.  This is not a productive high school life Greg, not productive at all.  You’ve been watching way too many cartoons boyo.  You need to put the Sailor Moon cartoons and the newspaper clippings of them away and look to reality, “ Greg ponders to himself. 

 After a quick shower, Greg jumps out, dries off, and throws on some clothes.  “Why are we going to the planetarium?  Ugh.  Mom and Dad want me to be smart like them so much, maybe they’ve flipped out and decided to start taking my on their own little science excursions.”  With that Greg wanders downstairs for breakfast. 

“Morning mom.  Morning dad,” Greg says as he plops down at the table. 

“Hello honey.  I told you that you didn’t need to get up so early,” Greg’s mother said.

“Well, I don’t wanna waste the whole day if I don’t have to go to school,” Greg replied.

“Son,” Greg’s dad puts his head in his hands, “I don’t understand you sometimes.  Your mother and I loved school.  We were there every time the doors were open practically.”

“I know dad, but school is hard for me sometimes.  I just don’t enjoy it as much as you guys must have.  School musta been a lot cooler back then,” Greg countered.

“Son..”, Greg’s dad started. Then Greg’s mother held up her hand to him and whispered in his ear, “He’s not the academic type Gregory.  He’s more the athletic type.  Let him be.”

For the next few minutes the table was silent then Greg’s mother spoke up again, “Greg.  Your father and I must fly out of town tomorrow.  We will be gone for two weeks.  Sara has agreed to baby-sit you and she will be staying here during that time.  Please don’t give her to hard of a time, ok?”

“But mom.  I’m almost 16.  I take care of myself, “ Greg countered.”

“Yes dear we know, but you must go to school, and if Sara is here to motivate you we feel you’ll make it there better.  Besides, she’ll cook, clean, and can help you with your homework.”

“But…” Greg started, then he saw his mother had made up her mind already so he shut up and finished his breakfast.

                 After breakfast Greg wandered over and started watching cartoons.  <Click> “It slices, it dices…” <Click> “Today in Okinawa..” <Click> “Sailor V is for Victory!  I’m Sailor Venus!” Aha..  Sailor Moon.  Why not?  Greg sat and watched about 10 minutes of Sailor Moon before his mom piped in, “I thought you weren’t going to just waste the day away.  And here you sit, watching cartoons…”  About that time Greg heard token noise of Tuxedo Mask’s rose sticking into something and grabbed the remote, muted the TV, and continued watching for a moment. “Why did you do that?” Greg’s mother asked.  “Because mom, this cartoon never lets the scouts manage to do anything on their own.  As soon as it looks as if they have the problem well under control, the beast gets loose and Tuxedo Max comes in to save the day.  Then Sailor Moon pulls out the magic item and does the thing in.  None of them can do anything by themselves, even though you know they could easily handle themselves.  The hero has to save the maiden in distress and Sailor Moon has to kill the creature with the magic item,” Greg replied.  Greg’s mother just stared at him for a moment then replied, “Well son, maybe the cartoon itself is supposed to teach a lesson that teamwork is more important that individualism.  I’m sure that you’re right.  All of the girls in your cartoon could probably handle things without Tuxedo Mask saving them and Sailor Moon using the “magic item” on them, but it’s a cartoon about teamwork.”  Greg then countered, “Mom, it may seem cool to you for the knight in shining armor to sweep in and save the damsel in distress, but I for one would like to see the damsel not be in distress for once and kick the crap out of the villain.”  With that Greg’s mom smirked at him for a moment then replied, “I guess that is one way to look at it honey, but it is a cartoon and not real life.” And with that she wandered back into the back of the house.

 <RING> <RING> “Hello, oh…  Yes..  Hold on a moment and I’ll get him..  Gregory dear…”Greg’s mom hollered throughout the house.  “Oh yeah,” Greg’s dad replied, “I’ve got to run in to work.  Sorry, I won’t be able to go with you guys today,” said as he ran out the front door.  “Well he just left, he’ll be there shortly”, and Greg’s mom hung up the phone.

 She finished up what she was doing and then called for Greg, “Greg honey.  Let’s go.  We’ll go on down there since your father isn’t going to be able to make it.”

Greg hopped up, “Ok mom, let’s go.” 

Greg’s mother smiled at him and followed him out the door.

 The drive wasn’t long and soon Greg and his mother arrived at the planetarium.  Greg had been here once before when he was a kid on a field trip, but hadn’t been since.  He wondered why his mom had chosen to take him here today.  Maybe she just wanted to spend some time with him before they left.  Greg and his mother got out and went to the door of the planetarium.  “Mom, it says it’s closed today,” Greg remarked.  “I know dear, my friend Trista works here.  We’re more here to see her than the planetarium itself,” Greg’s mother replied.  “Trista?  Who was Trista?”, Greg though to himself.  His mother had never mentioned her before.  They didn’t have to wait long.  Shortly after they had arrived an extremely tall woman in a long white coat came to the door and let them in.  Greg hadn’t seen too many women of her size.  Greg fancied himself as being tall compared to others at 6’, but this woman was an amazon.  She was even taller than he, easily standing 6’3”.

 “Come in.  I’m sorry if I kept you waiting Amy, “she spoke in a soft voice.  With that Greg and his mothered followed Trista to the large starscape room in the center of the planetarium.  Trista then stopped in front of a large console and turned to Greg.  “Greg, come over here.  Close your eyes, let you hands roam across the console, when you feel like stopping at a spot, place your finger on it for a moment and keep it there til I tell you to move it, Ok?” Trista said. “Uhhh…  Ok.” Greg replied.  Greg placed his hands on the console and slowly moved his hands across the console.  Trista and Amy watched curiously to see what happened.  Greg’s hands moved across the map, over the Milky Way, and far beyond before he slowly came to a stop near the outer corner of the map.  Amy looked at Trista with concern and Trista looked down at the spot where Greg’s finger rested.  “Now Greg, remove your hand and open your eyes, “Trista said, then she looked to Amy.  “I was right, though I’m not sure why it is that planet, “ Trista stated.  Then she hit a button or two on the console and the star map above them rotated to show the place that Greg had pointed out.  “What is the name of it Trista?”, Amy asked.  “Toril.  Unknown population, highly magical world, one sun in the solar system, one satellite, evolutionary state, medieval, “Trista replied.

Greg looked at them both quizzically.  “Um, mom.  What is this all about?”

Amy looked at him calmly, “Greg, you take more after me than you do your father.  You are senshi, like me.”

“Uh?  Senshi?  As in, the cartoon, except for real?  No way.  Mom, you have definitely went off the deep end with this one.  Are you trying to play some sort of joke on me for watching Sailor Moon this morning?” Greg replied.

“No.  You are senshi, just as I am.” Amy replied.

“Alright mom, if you are senshi, then who are you?” Greg countered.

“I am Sailor Mercury.  I guess you never compared my handwriting to the autographed picture I got you of myself for your 13th birthday. “ Amy replied.

“No Way mom.  Sailor Mercury is way cooler.  Don’t say stuff like that, “ Greg said in a semi-worried tone.

“Here Greg, you will need this.  This is your transformation wand.” Trista remarked as she handed Greg a golden wand.

Greg looked at Trista, then looked at his mother.  Then back to Trista and took the wand, “Well mom, if you’re Sailor Mercury then prove it.”

With that Amy looked at him and smiled then raised her transformation wand into the air.  “MERCURY STAR POWER!”  A bright flash of light, a little nudity, and some fog later and Sailor Mercury stood before him.

“ARGH!” Greg exclaimed. “It can’t be!  No!  Not my own mom.  ICK!  <Shudder>  I had…  ARGH!”

“Greg, I guess its only normal for you to be shocked.  This has to be hard for you.  Especially knowing that you saw me as your little fantasy girl from all the collectibles you had of the cartoon me.” Mercury replied.

“But…. But…. But…. Ugh..  My mom is Sailor Mercury…” Greg babbled.

“And I am Sailor Pluto, Greg.” Trista stated softly.

“So I’m senshi?  What exactly does that mean?” Greg asked.

Trista spoke up, “Toril is the planet that you represent.  You are senshi, like your mother, I and the rest of the Sailor Scouts.  When you need to change you must simply grasp the wand and say Toril Power.”

“And Tuxedo Mask…” Greg started.

“Yes, him too dear.  The reason why now was the time to tell you is because we will all be gone for 2 weeks.  It will be up to you to protect Tokyo.  You father and I must leave tomorrow morning.” Mercury replied, cutting Greg off slightly.

“So dad is…” Greg started.

“No, but your father knows.  He was the first to know I was Sailor Mercury who wasn’t senshi.” Mercury continued.

Greg stood silent and put the transformation wand into his pocket.

“I’m sorry you couldn’t be told sooner Greg.  It’s just that now was the time.  Come on, let’s go back.  You seem to be in more than a little shock.” Mercury stated while changing back into Amy.

The drive back home seemed to take forever.  Greg just stared out the window, unable to grasp what to say, or whether he should say anything at all.  He was a real honest to god superhero.  He was to protect Tokyo in the absence of the others.  And most of all, his mother seemed to trust him to do this.  Him, the underachiever was going to be in charge of protecting all of Tokyo for at least 2 weeks.  This was just too much.  This had to be a dream.  He really had been watching too many cartoons.  Eventually they pulled into the driveway.  Greg got out and went straight to his room to lay down and rest.  This was too much for his mind to handle at the moment, and it was probably all a dream anyway.  As Greg drifted off to sleep…

                Greg awoke later on in the evening to the smell of dinner.  It was dark already outside, and he wondered if he had slept the entire day away.  He also wondered about the weird dream he had earlier.  Too many cartoons may really be able to rot the brain.  Hopping downstairs Greg came into the kitchen to see his mother and father sitting at the table preparing to eat.  Amy looked up at Greg with some concern on her face, but Greg just smiled, sat down, and dug into dinner.  After dinner Greg got up and went to back upstairs to watch some TV.  Not long after he got upstairs he heard a strange voice talking to his mother downstairs.

“Don’t worry Amy, I’ll watch over him while you’re gone.  I’m sure nothing will happen that can’t be easily handled.  The negaverse hasn’t been active in quite some time, “ said the unknown speaker.

Negaverse?  Hmmm, maybe he wasn’t awake yet.  Things were getting weird again.

“I know Luna, but I can’t help but worry.  He is my little boy.” Amy replied.

Surely to god mom isn’t talking to a cat.

 “There is nothing to worry about.  Pluto says that this was the time to activate Toril and she knows best about these types of things.” Luna replied.

Are they referring to me now?

“Yes Luna, but I can’t help but think that now is the time because something is going to happen.” Amy replied.

Hmmm…  Well at least the next two weeks might not be boring after all.  At least not in this dream.

“You know that Pluto couldn’t tell us even if there was.  We must simply trust her instincts.” Luna stated.

With that Amy sighed and smiled. “I guess so.”

The conversation broke off and seemed to move to the living room where Greg couldn’t here anything anymore.

Greg went to his dresser and looked at the wand that he had laid down.  Then thinking for a moment he went back to the door and shut it so those downstairs wouldn’t here what was going on in his room.

Hmmm…  So all I have to do is hold this thing and say Toril Power, Greg thought to himself.

Well Greg, let’s see what you look like as a superhero.  Hopefully you don’t have some ridiculous looking tophat and cape.

“TORIL POWER!” Greg spoke.  And then he stood there, as there was a bright flash of light and tingling covered his body.  Greg had been staring at the mirror when he spoke the words, but wasn’t expecting the bright flash of light.  He was momentarily blinded, but he definitely felt different.  Shaking his head to try and clear his vision he thought he felt long hair brush across his back.  After a moment or two his vision began to clear and he looked into the mirror.  What he saw staring back at him was something he was completely unprepared for.  She was gorgeous.  She had long blonde hair tied with a blue bow, the face of an angel, violet eyes, creamy white skin, long legs, nice curves, a short purple and blue miniskirt, and purple high heels.  It was the girl from his dream.  She was looking right at him from his bedroom mirror with a look of shock on her face.  Oh my god Greg thought to himself.  She’s me.  I’m her.  I’m a Sailor Scout!

And with that Greg’s psyche couldn’t handle sanity or consciousness anymore



 Greg awoke in bed with his mother kneeling next to him. 

“Are you alright Greg?  We heard a scream and ran up here to find you in the floor.” Amy spoke.

“Uh.  Yeah, mom.  I think I just had a bad nightmare.  I had that dream about the girl again, but it turned really strange this time at the end.  I guess it gave me enough of a scare that I screamed out in my sleep.” Greg replied.

With that Amy reached over and felt Greg’s head gently.  “You feel alright son.  You were a little flushed when I got up here, but you seem ok now.  Maybe you’ve got a little bug.  I’ll get you something and you can go back to sleep.  You’ve slept almost all day.” Amy replied, then got up and walked downstairs.  In a few minutes she returned with a sedative and some antibiotics.  “We’ll drive you to school in the morning on our way to the airport and Sara will be here in the evening when you get home.   I’ll let her know that you haven’t been feeling all that well.”  Amy said in a consoling voice.  Greg listened to his mother humming softly as he quickly drifted back off to sleep.

 * Chapter 2 *


 “Uh…  Damn, time for school.” Greg mumbled as he slowly rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom for his morning shower.  Staring blankly into the mirror Greg rubbed his eyes. 

“Oh well, if nothing else the weird dream is over.” Greg mumbled as he stepped into the shower and quickly gave himself a once over.  Hopping out, drying off a bit, and wandering into his room he quickly clothed himself.  Looking on the dresser he noticed something slightly out of place.  The wand he had been given in his dream was lying on the dresser.  Carefully he picked it up and examined it.  “Hmmm…  Wonder where this come from.” He thought.  A couple thoughts drifted in and out of his mind and he absently dropped it in his pocket.  He didn’t want to be late for school, and he could take a look at the thing while he was bored out of his mind in class today.  Quickly he grabbed his backpack and made his way downstairs following the smell of bacon and eggs into the kitchen.  Mom and Dad were already eating so he sat down and scarfed down a quick bite.  Taking no more than 5 minutes he was up and on his way out the door when he heard his mom from behind him.  “We’re taking you to school today, Greg?  Remember your father and I have to leave town.  Sara will be here this evening so be sure and be home on time.  We don’t want her to worry about you.” She said.  Greg stopped dead in his tracks for a moment.  The line between fantasy and reality had definitely become blurred over the past day or so.  Maybe he had been ill.  Half of what he heard during the dream was coming to reality.  His parents were going out of town and Sara was coming over.  But then again he didn’t want to think about the rest of the dream, it wasn’t exactly a dream to him, more akin to a nightmare of sorts.  Greg was still running things through his mind when his mother and father suddenly seemed to appear out of nowhere. “Are you ready?” they said.  “Damn.  Daydreaming again,” he thought to himself.  And with that off they piled into the car and headed off to school.

                At school everyone seemed to be trudging along ever so slowly.  It was as if everyone else had some sort of bug too.  Maybe something was going around Greg pondered.  No one smiled.  Everyone just looked as if they hadn’t had enough sleep the night before.  Odd Greg thought, “Everyone shouldn’t be tired.  Usually at least half of his schoolmates were running around like mad trying to get somewhere, get with someone, or get out of something. Two classes passed by before Greg saw anyone whom even seemed to be slightly coherent.  A college age girl whom he had noticed before, but never had the nerve to talk to.  She apparently was finishing up some high school classes up here.  She seemed to be the only person here that had any energy whatsoever.  She was doing they assigned work at first, but a short time into class she looked around and made eye contact with him.  Greg casually smiled and she smiled back.  Then looked around the classroom quizzically, closed her book, and stood up.  Walking up to the teacher she excused herself and went out the door.  Greg looked around the room for a moment and decided, what the hell,  I’ll follow her, she actually seems mostly conscious.  And with that he grabbed his back and left the classroom as well.

                The girl had almost made it to the door when Greg saw her.  “Hey!” Greg hollered without thinking.  She stopped and turned toward him.  “Hello?  Can I help you.?” She asked.  Greg quickly caught up to her and introduced himself.  “Hi.  I’m Greg Urawe.  You’re Leila right?  Sorry to bother you, but you’re the first person I’ve seen in school all day who wasn’t completely out of it.” Greg said.

Leila looked Greg up and down with a calm look.  “Yeah, I’m Leila.” she said, slowly turning to head outside.  Greg stood there watching her leave.  She calmly walked out the door as if she had completely blown him off.  In shock all he could do was stare at the door which she had just left through. A few seconds later the door opened and Leila stuck her head back in, “Well?  Are you coming or not?” she stated nonchalantly.  This brought Greg out of his trance.  “Oh yeah.” And he quickly followed her out the door.  Leila walked up to a water fountain outside and looked back to Greg.  “I think this is the problem.  Something seems to be wrong with the water.  It has an odd smell to it.” Leila stated.  Greg walked over and turned on the fountain.  Sniffing it lightly he didn’t smell anything so he sipped a little of it. “BLEAH!  You’re right, something is wrong with the water.  It tastes horrible.” Greg remarked.  Leila looked at Greg with the “You’re a moron” look which Greg didn’t catch then she looked over to the building on the western side of the campus.  “The water filtration system for the school is over there.  Let’s go let them know something is wrong.” Leila said.  “Yeah, something probably fell into the filter and is fouling up the water in there.” Greg replied.  Greg and Leila walked out to the water filtration building for the school and didn’t notice anyone around.  Getting a little closer they noticed one of the maintenance men leaning up against the wall beside the door sound asleep.  The door was slightly ajar.  Leila and Greg looked at each other.  “Something is definitely wrong here.” Greg said. Leila looked at him and shook her head. “Are you sure?  Did the sleeping maintenance man give you that clue, Sherlock?” Leila said sarcastically.  Greg started to get angry and Leila simply smiled and opened the door to the building slightly.  Leila peered inside and Greg looked inside right after her.  Leila didn’t say anything.  But Greg gasped slightly at what he saw.  Inside the building on the far side were two large drooling creatures standing over the water main.  Holding a hose, pumping something directly into the water system.  A short blonde man seemed to be overseeing them and telling them what to do.  Luckily they didn’t hear Greg’s gasp and Leila quickly placed her hand over his mouth and backed him and her out of the door.  Pulling Greg down the wall a little Leila removed her hand from his mouth.  “What were those things?  And who was that guy?” Greg asked Leila in an exasperated manner.  “Like I know.  They’re doing something to the water system.  You go call the police and I’ll watch and see where they go if they leave.” Leila said, trying to get Greg to go on.  “No way.  You could get hurt if they come out here.  We’ll both go for help and meet back here with the police.” Greg urged.  Leila merely looked at Greg sternly and replied, “I can take care of myself.  I don’t need someone to worry about me.  Nothing is going to happen, but you better get going, otherwise those things will get done with whatever they are doing.  Now GO!”  Leila said as she pushed Greg along.  Reluctantly Greg ran back toward the building, but stopped and ducked behind a building and looked back toward Leila.  Reaching into his pocket he felt the wand that looked like the one from his dream.  “Maybe I’m still dreaming he thought.  Maybe I’m still dreaming.  Maybe I could enjoy this for a moment.” He thought to himself.  Looking back again towards Leila he saw her looking around.  Leila looked around if to make sure no one else was around.  Then he saw something completely unexpected.  Leila stuck her right hand up into the air holding something then he heard her speak.  “TITAN STAR POWER!” Leila yelled.  And suddenly he saw her spin around and frost forming around her.  After a moment she stopped, seemingly encased in ice.  Then she shook herself and the ice surrounding her shattered and fell to the ground.  Standing where Leila once had been was a girl in a white sailor outfit and a blue miniskirt.  Leila was a Sailor Scout.  She was Sailor Titan from the sound of things, and apparently she was going in on her own.  “Damnit! I can’t let her go in on her own even if she is a Sailor Scout.  There were 3 of them and only one of her.  And that’s all we could see, there could be even more of them.  No time for thinking about this now Greg.  If it’s a dream, then you’ll wake up and everything will be fine.  If this is real then you’re about to meet and befriend a possible partner.” Greg thought to himself.  Leila was making her way back to the door at this very moment and she would need his help.  Quickly looking around Greg didn’t notice anyone around so he raised the wand into the air.  “Here goes nothing,” he mumbled and closed his eyes.  “TORIL POWER!” Greg yelled.  Again Greg felt the same tingling come over his body.  It was gone once again as quickly as it had came. Looking down at himself briefly the reality hit him.  He was her again.  He was Sailor Toril.  “Well Greg, this isn’t the time to worry about this.  Someone’s life could be in danger.  Hopefully not mine.  I don’t even have any idea what kind of powers I’m supposed to have.  Oh well, this is my dream.  I’m sure it’ll come to me.” Greg thought to himself while running towards the building.  Greg quickly realized that his center of gravity was completely different and the high heels he was running were definitely not made for that purpose.  Whoever created the Sailor Scouts was definitely male, surely to god no woman would have done this to other women.  Or perhaps getting around in this form was a lost art that he had never been taught when growing up, for obvious reasons.  Somehow he managed to stay on his feet despite the problems with his new form and made it to the door just as Leila had closed it behind her.  Grabbing the handle Greg slowly pulled the door open so as to not draw attention of whatever was around the water intake or from Leila.  Greg did notice that he did seem to be quieter for some reason.  Perhaps his will made things happen, perhaps this really was a dream.  Greg managed to get within five feet of Leila and stay roughly that distance from her as she slowly crept up on the monsters and the blonde man.  Leila was about twenty feet away when she spoke. 

“STOP RIGHT THERE NEGATRASH!  YOU’VE BEEN POISONING THE SCHOOL’S WATER SUPPLY AND MAKING EVERYONE TIRED AND SICK!  IN THE NAME OF TITAN I WILL PUNISH YOU, I AM SAILOR TITAN!” Leila yelled.  “AND IN THE NAME OF TORIL I WILL PUNISH YOU, I AM SAILOR TORIL!” Greg yelled.  Leila turned her head to the side briefly in a small state of shock.  She hadn’t heard anyone behind her, but thank goodness it was another Sailor Scout.  The blonde man looked up casually at them and chuckled calmly, “Ha.  Positive thinking will get you nowhere girls.   Dispose of them!” as he motioned for the two monsters to close on Greg and Leila.  Leila jumped into the air spread her arms at the two creatures sending forth what looked to be an icy wind. “TITAN STORM OF WINTER!” she yelled.  “Think think think,” Greg thought to himself.  Then it suddenly came to him.  Wind.  His area of control was wind.  Greg focused his mind and pictured what he wanted to happen.  He clasp his arms across his chest then brought them down in a slashing motion in the direction of the two monsters.  “RAZOR WIND SLASH!” Immediately the air in front of his moving arms solidified and flew into the two creatures which were now held immobile in ice by Leila’s attack.  The air cut through the ice and the creature’s as if they weren’t even there, separating them into 8 pieces which immediately turned to dust.  The blonde man then cranked the valve open full to let whatever he was pumping into the water go full blast into it and faded into the either with a maniacal laugh.  Leila looked at Greg quizzically for a moment then back to the pipes.  “Quick, can you cut those?” she said pointing at the pipes.  “I don’t see why not,” Greg replied.  Once again Greg pulled the energy together, but this time he chose the pipes as his target.  “RAZOR WIND SLASH!” Greg yelled and the pipes were severed in twain.  Water started to spray, but just as quickly as it began to free flow it turned into a deep blue block of ice.  “There,” Leila said and turned back to Greg.  “That’s taken care of.  Sailor Toril?” Leila looked at Greg questioningly.  “That’s me, “Greg smiled while thinking.  “How do I get outta here?  I can’t let Leila know that Greg is Sailor Toril.  Hmmm…”  “Sorry to run Sailor Titan, but I gotta run,” and with that Greg bolted for the door.  Running back to where he originally changed and seeing no one else around Greg concentrated on trying to be normal once again.  He felt the tingle and he was himself once again.  “Wow.  That was a rush.  Being a superhero might not be all that bad.  This dream is great.  I wonder when I’m going to wake up.” He thought to himself.  Standing up he turned the corner and started running back toward the building. He saw Leila had changed back and was walking in his direction.  “The police didn’t want to believe me.  But they finally agreed to come and are on their way.” Greg said, acting like he was trying to catch his breath.  “Are they still in there?” Greg asked.  “No!  Two Sailor Scouts came in and completely trashed them.  It was awesome, you should have been here!” Leila exclaimed.  “You sent me away, remember.” Greg huffed out.  “Oh yeah, too bad you missed them.  You probably would have gotten a thrill outta seeing two girls in skimpy outfits.” Leila said in a semi-sarcastic tone. “Hey now.  I ran to get the police.  Cut me some slack.” Greg replied.  To that Leila reached up and put her arm on his shoulder.  “Well problem is solved, and the police can wrap up the rest.  Let’s go grab a bite to eat.  School’s pretty much over today I would think.