Mage : The Ascension
Name: Aino Minako (Mina) | Nature: Thrill-Seeker | Tradition: Orphan |
Player: Chris | Essence: Dynamic | Mentor: Deidre |
Chronicle: Interesting Times | Demeanor: Gallant | Cabal: |
Physical |
Social | Mental |
Strength : 2 | Charisma : 3 | Perception : 1 |
Dexterity : 5 | Manipulation : 1 | Intelligence : 2 |
Stamina : 3 | Appearance : 4 | Wits : 3 |
Talents | Skills | Knowledges |
Athletics : 3 | Do : 5 | Linguistics : 1 (Japanese) |
Dodge : 3 | Acrobatics : 4 | Lore : 1 |
Blatancy : 5 | Meditation : 2 | Medicine : 2 |
Melee : 1 | Occult : 1 | |
Stealth : 2 |
Forces : 3 | Life : 2 | Prime : 1 |
Backgrounds |
Avatar : 5 | Sanctum : 1 | Arcane : 1 | Resources : 2 | Familiar : 3 | Wonders : 1 |
Arete : 4 |
Willpower : 10 |
Quintessence : 5 |
Wu Shu
"Wu Shu" (also known as kung-fu or martial arts) is one of the
typical demonstrations of traditional Chinese culture. Perhaps it is one of the
earliest and long-lasting sports, which utilizes both brawn and brain. The
theory of wushu is based upon classical Chinese philosophy. Throughout its long
history it has developed characteristically with a unique combination of healthy
push, practical self-defense, self-discipline and art. In sports such as field
and track, ball sports, weightlifting, and boxing, an athlete typically has to
retire from full participation in his 30s, due to failing physical vigor. He
often will have sustained injuries he was not aware of that effect his health in
middle age and older, because of overexertion when youg. In Chinese kung fu,
however, a distinction is made between "external" and
"internal" kung fu. It is said that "In external kung fu, you
exercise your tendons, bones, and skin; in internal kung fu, you train your
spirit your qi, and your mind." In addition to training to achieve a strong
body and nimble limbs, there is also an "internal" training to adjust
body and mind, strengthen internal organs, and increase circulation of one's qi,
or flow of vital energy. Progressing from movement to stillness, from firmness
to softness, the older one gets, the more adept one becomes at kung fu. And the
higher one's level of achievement in kung fu, the better one is at maintaining
good health and living a long, active life.
Shotokan Karate
Shotokan is a traditional Japanese martial art. It is a system of offensive
and defensive techniques utilizing the various parts of the body as weapons and
shields. The arms and legs are used for this purpose
Mina was an
orphan child who was adopted by a rich family. She didn’t know anything about
her past. The orphanage had her only name listed as Mina. Her new family found
that their daughter was very athletic. With a great love of gymnastics,
volleyball, and intense love for the self-defense classes they enrolled her in
which were a form of karate. She excelled in all and soon enrolled formally in
Shotokon Karate. She continued to excel in it and within 2 years became a black
belt in Shotokon Karate. After that she took up Wu Shu and quickly managed to
master it also, getting a black belt in record time. Growing up with her new
family she just somehow knew she didn’t belong and started having dreams of a
girl who could turn into a superhero named Aino Minako. The girl in her dreams
looked just like her. Upon looking on the net she found that the dream she had
actually had basis in a Japanese cartoon about a group of female superheroes.
One of them was named Aino Minako in her mortal identity and Sailor Venus in her
superhero identity. Having plenty of resources at her disposal due to her family
she ordered a lot of the comic books that the cartoon was based after. At first
she read the English versions, but in the back of one she saw some strange
writing in the back. (Japanese) Upon staring at it for a bit the symbols started
looking more and more familiar to her. After awhile she figured it was Japanese
and ordered all the same comics in Japanese. Upon reading these she saw many
similarities in her life and that of Minako. So much so that she decided to
start calling herself Minako. Never mentioning any of the comic books to her
parents she convinced them that perhaps she was getting some of her memories
back. Being the rich, eccentric types they decided to humor their adopted
daughter. Through several sessions and Mina’s careful answering of questions
the psychiatrist was able to determine that her name was indeed Aino Minako.
Which meant "beautiful child of love". After this her parents had her
name changed for her to Aino Minako [Insert their name here]. After all this
Minako started to get more and more into her fantasy self that she had
discovered/developed. So much to the point that she started attempting some of
the actions that the Sailor Venus did in the manga. At first she merely took it
as a joke and didn’t ser
expect anything to happen, but one night she actually put some actual thought
and will behind it and low and behold she burned a hole through her wall about
the size of a dime with her fingers. At this point she started practicing the
actions more and more, until it became nearly second nature. One night she took
out into the city to "fight crime". She used her power, and a stranger
noticed. That stranger was a Verbena named Deidre. Deidre and Mina didn’t have
the same set of ideals so Mina didn’t end up following the Verbena Tradition.
However, she and Mina did find enough of an understanding that Deidre started
instructing her in what to do and what not to do with her magical powers. Mina
trusts Deidre as she has no reason not to and she is a very trusting person.
However Deidre doesn’t completely seem to trust Mina. At any rate Deidre took
enough interest in Mina to look out for her future as one of the awakened. Mina
doesn’t completely listen to Deidre’s warnings about Vulgar magic however.
Mina believes that since she has this talent it should be used to help humanity
in one way or another, and she likes to fashion her combat after the
cartoon/comic counterpart whose namesake she has adopted. Unfortunately most of
the magical attacks which she has ideas to perform are blatantly Vulgar. However
Mina does believe from what little understanding she has thus far of
"sleepers", that perhaps she can convince sleepers that she is really
a superhero somehow. After all if they believe then reality doesn’t spaz out
so bad so to speak. Mina quests to find out who she really is. She wants to know
more and more about the memories she can no longer access. To her the cartoon
character really is her, because it is the closest thing she has came to a real
past. She cannot remember anything before age 10.
[Note: Most times the scouts defeated a major villain, time shifted back to before the villain interfered in their lives so that they could continue on to live normally. One character was even reduced to age of an infant her life had been so fucked up. When this happens they cannot remember anything that happened, it is as if they are starting fresh again. Amnesia and Time Travel/Displacement are big themes in Sailor Moon. If you wish to go with the idea that she is the real deal then this will explain it perfectly. Have fun with me if you want.]
When Mina isn’t
out fighting crime or practicing "magic" she enjoys shopping,
volleyball, video games, romantic action movies, and just being mischievous.
Mina deeply cares about her family, her friends, and young children and can’t
stand to see them sad. She is always there to try and cheer them up in some way,
or at least she tries her best. Even with all this Mina is a shy girl. Most
people never get to know the real Mina. She hides behind a bubbly, ditzy mask
and some have even been known to accuse her of being a snob or stuck up. This
hurts her a great deal, but she never can bring for much will to defend herself.
After all most people that feel that way about her without even giving her a
chance aren’t the type of people she would like to have as friends anyway.
Generally Mina doesn’t pick friends, she usually waits for them to pick her.
She always seem to have her share of guys chasing her around but her real
shyness kicks in when they start trying to get close in a more than just
friendly way and they usually quickly give up. Either labeling her as frigid or
going off to tell their friends that either they scored or telling everyone that
she is a lesbian. Depending on the situation Mina will sometimes confront the
individual, but seldom does. It is usually a wasted effort to her. If they want
to spread rumors about her then fine. She didn’t care for them anyway. On
occasion Mina has actually fallen for someone but they always end either getting
killed, chasing someone else behind her back, or just completely freaked out in
some way by her. [However as Sailor Venus she has always been idolized in past
lives. Held up as a huge teen superstar most of the time.] Something seems to
hang over her mortal life though. Some dark cloud that keeps her from ever
finding what most would consider true love. This is the main reason that she
enjoys the romantic action movies so much. They are the perfect escape from her
real life. As Venus she can’t be with anyone due to her need for secrecy, and
in her mortal life things just never work out. Mina is 16 years of age and
sophomore in high school. She doesn’t have a great deal of friends but a
decent amount of acquaintances there, however most of them are fast friends. The
moment things aren’t just right with Mina they drift apart unless they are
trying to mooch off of her money. Mina is a sugar and caffeine addict. Having to
have at least something with caffeine and something with sugar with every meal.
She also sneaks soft drinks and all sorts of candy that she snacks throughout
the day. Mina has an extremely high metabolism though due to her athletic
ability so she manages to keep a fit and trim figure. Then there is Mina’s
biggest flaw. "Curiosity killed the cat. Hmmm… Well I’m not exactly a
cat am I?" Mina is insanely curious. If she sees something interesting she
will check it out. Sometimes just staring. Sometimes getting close enough to
check things out first hand. Shiny buttons, cracked doors, and hushed
conversations around corners are her forte. Mina has a bad tendency to run into
the police, for some reason or another. Sometimes they mistake her for someone
else and want to ask her questions, but usually she is just in the wrong place
at the wrong time and doesn’t have the sense to leave before the detectives
show up to play twenty questions with her. Her curiosity also usually has
something to do this. She usually sees someone do something or is nosing around
where something has happened that the police show up to investigate. All in all
Mina is a loveable and generally honest person, you just have to have the
patience to try and get to know the real her.
Venus Crescent Beam Smash [Life 2, Forces 1]
This attack can be coincidental or vulgar. Coincidental requires a light source for Mina to reflect light from. Moonlight is sufficient. The attack can cause temporary blindness, enough burning to make someone lose concentration or drop something, or kill in weaker creatures. Killing is always Vulgar. In the completely Vulgar use of this rote a beam of light shoots forth from Venus’s index finger and strikes the intended target doing damage commiserate with Life Damage.
Venus Meteor Shower [Forces 3, Prime 1]
This attack can be coincidental under the right circumstances, but is almost always vulgar. On a night were a large amount of shooting stars are about or near a large fire it can be coincidental. It causes either small burst of fire to fly out and strike the target or on a night of shooting stars a tiny shooting star will make it to the intended target. Otherwise it is 100% vulgar and is like this. Venus raises her hand and hurls forth several streaks of light which strike the target doing fire damage to the target. Number of successes equals the number of strikes.
Venus Love Chain Encircle [Forces 3]
This attack is almost always coincidental. Venus uses the golden colored chain, which she keeps as a belt around her waist. Casting it forth towards the target she entangles the target, therefore immobilizing it. [Given the fact that we are in Texas this is even more believable. Hahahaha] A Vulgar effect would require her making the chain obviously cinch tightly around the victim choking him.
Venus Love Me Chain [Forces 3]
This attack is usually coincidental. Venus uses the golden colored chain on her waist once more. This time casting it forth and wrapping it around her intended target. The intended target is then pulled towards her. To enforce the coincidental effect Venus can pull on the chain like she is straining, but it is actually the telekinesis effect of the forces sphere dragging the victim to her.
Venus Love and Beauty Shock [Forces 3, Life 2, Prime 1]
VULGAR MAGIC! Venus kisses her hand and a glowing yellow heart appears. She then throws this heart at her intended victim. The heart leaves a trail of transparent hearts as it homes in on the victim’s heart. When the heart hits it causes a shocking effect similar to a defibrillator. This effect causes aggravated damage based on the number of successes and also stuns the victim.